If you have produced any artwork on your Mac which you would like to share with over 50,000 MACFORMAT readers, please send it in to: The Disk Editor, MACFORMAT, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW.
We are happy to show off either stills or animations and there's always a prize for the best. This issue we have given a copy of Daring to Fly to Simon Terry as a reward for the great collection of images he sent to us.
We are always interested in finding out how you produced your work. If you want to show off your art techniques and teach other readers how you achieve any special effects, then send in any relevant details with your images so we can include your tips and tricks on the disc. The best way to do this is as a SimpleText file.
If you're really knowledgable about creating artwork on a Mac, we are also interested in contacting people who would like to become freelance writers for MACFORMAT. If you want more details, please write to our editor, Alex Summersby, at the above address.
Boring legal bit: by sending your work in to us you grant to Future Publishing Ltd a non-exclusive licence to publish the work in any electronic and printed form without restriction throughout the world for the entire period of copyright. (If you want to know what this means, contact us first. But you don’t need to worry about it really. Trust us.)